Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Tiu

So today was my wonderful husbands 28th birthday!! Yippee skippee. We had a wonderful day together. I will post pics and more details later I just need to vent a bit. So on our way home from dinner we get a call that our cousins were in a very bad accident (check it on channel 4 tonight @ 10) They were life flighted to the hospital so I go to the scene to take pics. Brand new truck is completely gone. I mean GONE! Cops were being total jerks(you are all getting an edited version) So my two cousins lost their dad in a car accident 2 yrs ago. So this is a touchy subject in the family. Another cousin is at the scene with us and he was telling the cop that the boys' dad was killed in an accident. I mumble under my breath to my cousin that the cops dont care that happened. I know this because I said the same thing to the same cop and he said he didnt care. So after I mumbled they dont care he got in my face and asked me to leave the "crime scene" What crime scene? He had a diabetic seizure! And Im on public property (LDS Church) and outside of the crime scene tape!! So this cop is walking towards me telling me to move and im not going anywhere. He is ready to put me in cuffs because Im "not cooperating" Can someone please explain why cops get to use their authority outside of their leagal boundries and get away with it? Get this....his last name was prettyman!! I intentionally didnt capitalize his last name because he doesnt desearve that! lol thanks for the vent. I needed to prep for my city complaint!!


  1. O my gosh how sad! You better make a complaint!

  2. oh man! I would have been pissed. I would have wanted to knock him out!

  3. wow. That cop was way out of place. Duh...sometimes cops think they are the coolest things. How annoying. I hope that your cousins are okay. Oh and happy birthday Matt!
